
Security is our top priority.

Omi leverages industry best practices and solutions to protect your data.

Data In Transit

All data transferred between the user’s browser and Omi's servers is encrypted in transit. Omi uses TLS v1.2.

Data At Rest

Data is encrypted at rest in AWS using AES-256 key encryption.

Penetration Testing

As a part of our development process, Omi uses third parties to conduct penetration tests to identify deficiencies in the system that may affect critical assets, and mitigates and re-validates patches of all high impact discoveries as soon as possible.

Multi-Factor Authentication

Omi requires all users to add an extra layer of security to your account by enabling two-step verification by default to reduce the risk of having your account accessed by anyone else.

Access Permissions

Omi allows admin users to limit the access permissions to perform certain tasks including viewing and editing contracts.


Omi sends email alerts to users for key events such as important information about your contracts.